We, Hirundo AE Services LTD, are pleased that you are visiting our website and are interested in our company. We know that careful handling of your personal data is important to you, which is why we take the protection of your personal data seriously and want you to feel safe and secure when visiting our website. We are, of course, committed to protecting your data in compliance with the statutory provisions for the protection of personal data, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Therefore, we principally only process your personal data for the purposes specified in this Privacy Statement or communicated to you when collecting the data. These purposes include primarily the communication with customers and interested parties as well as the further development of our services.

How we process your personal data when you visit or interact with our website or its content as well as about your rights?


Meaning any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter “Data Subject”) such as e.g. name, address, email address and user behavior.


Controller within the meaning of the statutory provisions on data protection (e.g. GDPR) for the processing of your personal data is:

Hirundo AE Services LTD

Σπύρου Κυπριανού, 24,


6058, Λάρνακα, Κύπρος

[email protected]

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

[email protected]


Automatically collected information (server log files)

When you visit our website, the web server automatically collects and stores information. This happens anonymously and separately from your further data. The automatically collected information is evaluated for statistical purposes in order to be able to optimize our website and stored for statistical purposes.

• Domain name or IP address, 

• Date and time of the server request,  

• File names and URL/web address you have accessed,  

• Access status/http status code,  

• Volume of data transmitted,  

• Referrer URL (i.e. the website you have previously accessed),  

• Browser,  

• Operating system and its interface as well as  

• Browser software version and language.

 The legal basis in this respect is Article 6(1) lit. (f) GDPR


Your personal data will be disclosed or transferred pursuant to the purposes stated above to the recipients or categories of recipients specified therein.

Furthermore, your personal data are disclosed to:

Processors within the meaning of Article 28 GDPR which process the personal data you transmitted to us exclusively on our behalf and in accordance with the agreements concluded for this purpose as well as third parties if this is necessary to carry out your order or your request, e.g. to enable the respective payment service providers to execute direct debits. We also disclose your personal data to third parties if this is necessary to comply with our legal obligations.

Forwarding of personal data to any public bodies and/or public authorities shall only take place when we are required to do so by mandatory statutory provisions or official or judicial orders.

Except in the cases covered above, your personal is not transferred to or within third countries or to any international organizations.


Your personal data are principally only stored for the period of time required for the purposes specified above or, alternatively, until you withdraw your previously given consent to the processing of your personal data. In the event of statutory retention obligations, in particular under commercial and tax law, we are obliged to store the data until the expiry of these retention periods.


You have the following rights vis-à-vis us regarding your personal data: 

• Right of access to your stored personal data (Article 15 GDPR), 

• Right to rectification if the data that are stored concerning you are incorrect, outdated or otherwise inaccurate (Article 16 GDPR), 

• Right to erasure if the storage is unlawful, the purpose of processing has been fulfilled and storage is therefore no longer necessary or you have withdrawn your previously given consent to the processing of certain personal data (Article 17 GDPR), 

• Right to restriction of processing if one of the requirements specified under Article 18(1) lit. (a) to (d) GDPR is met (Article 18 GDPR); 

• Right to receive the personal data concerning you which you have provided (Article 20 GDPR), 

• Right to withdraw previously given consent; this shall not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal (Article 7(3) lit. (c)GDPR) and 

• Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Article 77 GDPR).


You may object at any time, for reasons arising from your particular situation, to processing activities that we carry out based on a legitimate interest within the meaning of Article 6(1) lit (f) GDPR by stating such reasons.

In the case of a substantiated objection we will principally no longer process the personal data for the relevant purposes and will erase the data unless we can demonstrate compelling reasons for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or unless the processing serves to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

 Your objection is to be addressed to Hirundo AE Services LTD, Σπύρου Κυπριανού, 24, MEGARO GIANNI – MARIA, Office 105, 6058, Λάρνακα, Κύπρος [email protected]

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

[email protected]